Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Back from India

My developer summit talk went very well. SD Hall (The venue where I had the talk) was packed with Web Services enthusiast.

The organizers has done a great job in organizing the event. Also I must appreciate their hospitality.

I will post a link to my presentation here, once I have it posted in OT (http://wso2.org).

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Web Services Development in Java without JEE

I will be doing a talk on the ${Title} at Great India Developer Summit in Bangalore.


Looking forward to meet some of the Java community in India.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Webinar on WSF/Spring

I will be doing a webinar on WSF/Spring tomorrow (6th May 2008). This will be an introductory session and I am thinking of doing another more advanced one later.

Here is the link for registration...