I have to deliver a speech at FOSS for Journalists conference organized by ICTA (www.icta.lk). Since I felt this may be useful for a larger audience, I thought of having my notes on my blog.
FOSS Applications
Useful Links
- http://www.osalt.com/
- http://www.linuxalt.com/
- http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Linux_software_equivalent_to_Windows_software
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_alternatives_to_proprietary_software
- http://www.foss4gov.gov.lk/index.php?option=com_wrapper&view=wrapper&Itemid=17
Getting/Intalling new Software
- Synaptic, Download and install new software
- GDebi, Install downloaded packages
- DownThemAll!, Download manager
Internet Browser
Playing Music & Video
- Rhythmbox
- Banshee
- Movie Player
Burning CDs & DVDs
Taking Notes
Word Processor
- LibreOffice Writer
- Openoffice.org Writer
Spread Sheet
- LibreOffice Calc
- Openoffice.org Calc
- LibreOffice Impress
- Openoffice.org Impress
Image Viewer & Editor
- Eye of GNOME
- Gimp
- GimpShop
- Inkscape
Internet Messaging and Video Conferencing
Simple Publishing
- LibreOffice Draw
- Openoffice.org Draw
- Evince, PDF/PS reader
- LibreOffice/Openoffice.org, PDF creation
- Print to PDF
News Reader & Podcast Client
Blogging, Micro Blogging, and Social Media
- Any Web Browser
- http://www.blogger.com, http://wordpress.com/
- http://www.flickr.com/, http://youtube.com, http://facebook.com
- Gwibber