Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Windows 7 in 2009?

Microsoft is planning to release another OS in 2009.

At the same time they are still struggling to get their users migrated to Windows Vista.

Even the Windows XP website is trying hard...

The carefully engineered support policy is some thing users should be well aware of since vendor can sell them Windows XP till May 30th 2009.

However, after nearly two years of existent Windows Vista hasn't been able to push Windows XP out and now its successor is also coming out :-).

Overwhelmed with all these? I am not. Because I use Kubuntu :-).

Saturday, November 1, 2008

IIT Conference 2008, Colombo, Sri Lanka

This year IITC 2008 was held on the 28th and the 29th of October at Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall (B.M.I.C.H.) - Colombo, Sri Lanka. It was followed by series of workshops on the 30th and the 31st of October.


On the 28th I present a paper based on my MSc research "Mahatittha: An Open Source Distributed Transaction Manager for Spring Framework by Leveraging Reliable Group Communication".

On the 30th I did a workshop "Introduction to SOA and Web Services". I make use of WSO2 WSAS, WSO2 ESB, WSO2 Registry, and WSO2 Mashup Server to demonstrate the participants how SOA can be implemented using Advanced Web Services / SOA middleware technologies like WSO2 product stack.

It was a small crowd, but very knowledgeable and enthusiastic.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Light Weight Enterprise Applications

Last Saturday and the Saturday before I did a class at University of Colombo (Sri Lanka) on Light Weight Enterprise Applications. My intention was to create more awareness among the students on how to pick the right framework for their development requirement, without getting crazy about those buzz words.

Since most of them have requested for the sample code I have used in the class I am sharing them at the below URL.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Back from India

My developer summit talk went very well. SD Hall (The venue where I had the talk) was packed with Web Services enthusiast.

The organizers has done a great job in organizing the event. Also I must appreciate their hospitality.

I will post a link to my presentation here, once I have it posted in OT (http://wso2.org).

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Web Services Development in Java without JEE

I will be doing a talk on the ${Title} at Great India Developer Summit in Bangalore.


Looking forward to meet some of the Java community in India.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Webinar on WSF/Spring

I will be doing a webinar on WSF/Spring tomorrow (6th May 2008). This will be an introductory session and I am thinking of doing another more advanced one later.

Here is the link for registration...

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Axis2 within Spring

WSO2 has put out 1.0beta release candidate for their, yet another new product WSF/Spring. It provides a simple Code First approach to create Web Services for Spring developers. However, since it has Axis2 underneath developers can actually develop Web Services following Contract First approach as well.

Even though it make use of Axis2/Java internally, the configuration is made very simple and Spring like.


The real advantage of this framework is that, even though its a beta version, it has the full power and stability of Axis2/Java in the first version it self.